Directions to Cosy Apartment in Samos Town

You can find the apartment on Google Mapds for your general orientation:

However, we strongly recommend not to use Google Maps for routing on Samos. The maps are inaccurate, it just doesn’t work.

Instead, just use the description below:

Coming from the airport, this is how you will find your holiday home.

Leaving the airport, you turn right towards Pythagorio and Samos  / Vathi

After 1 kilometer at the traffic light, turn right.

After 2 kilometers you reach Pythagorio. Follow the main road by turning left.

Follow the main road for ca. 10 kilometers.

When you see the Lidl supermarket on the left side you are on the right track!

When you see the Lidl supermarket on the left side you are on the right track!

Take the second exit to Kokkari / Karlovassi / Samos.
Follow the main road downhill.

You reach another roundabout.

Here, take the second exit towards Samos town.
Go down to the waterfront here.



You will reach the next roundabout where you take the first exit.
Follow the road for 2 kilometers.

When you arrive in town look out for the bus station. It’s on the right side of the main road.
Here, turn right.

Follow the road after the traffic light for 500 meters.


At the end of the road turn right.

After 20 meters you have reached your home.

Don't forget: Should you get lost just call our hotline: +30.987 692 40 13